
What is Numerology?

It is an esoteric discipline that studies the symbolic meaning of numbers, using numbers to determine personal characteristics and destiny.

Destiny Number sheds light on the experiences you will have throughout your life. It guides you in how to evaluate the events that you will encounter, to pick which fights you need to put up, and to notice opportunities that may come your way. In short, this special number helps you evaluate your life objectively and become more mindful. How to calculate Destiny Number? In numerology, each letter indicates a number. The numerical values of all letters in the name and surname are added together. If the outcome of the number is double-digit, it is reduced to odd numbers.

Personality Number indicates the true potential inside of you. It helps you see how to communicate with those around you, achieve your dreams, and identify your hidden talents. This special number, where all the numbers on the date of birth are added to one another to tell you your personality number, sheds light on your future. It helps you discover and renew yourself.

You may encounter single-digit, double-digit, consecutive or reversed numbers more often in certain periods. That number is your Angel Number! This is how angels try to communicate with you. If you can decipher the meaning of this number, you can navigate your life more easily. Thanks to this number, you can improve your mindfulness and contribute to your spiritual development.

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